College of Fishery Science

Office of the Associate Dean College of Fishery Science,
Hajari Pahad, Nagpur-(M.S.)–440006

: 0712-3298042, 0712-2022457
: [email protected]


The Fish Seed Production Centre and Fish Farm of this Institute has been started since year 2008 for the purpose of student practical’s, demonstration unit to the fish farmers, trainees and research on breeding of endemic species in the region. This unit comprises of 06 nursery ponds, 03 rearing ponds and 03 stoking ponds, 01 circular carp hatchery and 01 magur fish seed hatchery. The total water spread area is 0.7 hector. Average range of IMC seed production from Fish farm is 70 lacks to 1crore. Several farmers, NGOs, student / researchers from different technical colleges and Institutes visited and this has created awareness among people in this region. Training programme on various fish production and culture aspect which can enhance production levels have been organized by college for unemployed youth, NGO etc.